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Ever since you were teenage
You made your way, with your cute looks
The attention felt so good!
Nowadays.. a young woman
Breathtaking as you stand
Like the sisters in your crew
So please little pretty girl,
You…You look ahead, make yourself a real plan, just because you were born beautiful, doesn't mean it will be a cruise
Oh, No Nooo
Men, will seek your attention
Shower you with words of intension
Everywhere you look around
Sugar daddys, they will show off
Hotel rooms and Mercedes Benzes
But there's a darker side to life
So please little pretty girl,
You…You look ahead, get an education, just because you were born beautiful, doesn't mean it will be a cruise
Oh, No Nooo
Time will have it's toll, and gravity will have it's way
That's the world we'r livin' in
Gracefully surrender the thing of youth Try to find love, the solid kind
Make it an adventure, all the way
So please little pretty girl,
You…You look ahead, make yourself some real friends, just because you were born beautiful, doesn't mean it will be a cruise
Oh, No Nooo

So, You…You look ahead, prepare yourself for head-winds, just because you were born beautiful, doesn't mean it will be a cruise
Oh, No Nooo
/Gus Muller -18