Every now and then it just comes. A rhythm, a melody, some words... I always play around a little, see if I can make something out of it. Sometimes it works, so I push on. I record the melody and the foundation. Then I just drop it for a while, let it simmer and see if it something happens.

When and if the mood strikes, I’ll work it into a finished demo. I’ll add the instruments, the backup and lead vocals. The mix and sound image always take much work. It’s hard! But eventually, if I think it’s good enough, I send it to my… panel. That’s what I call my bunch of folks, everyone from experienced musicians to… my mom. You know she always says something nice, but over the years I’ve gotten real good at hearing what she isn’t sayin’…. So feedback from her is important.
After some minor tweaks, or sometimes big fixes based on feedback from my trusted panel, I’ll upload the song to Soundcloud. Soundcloud’s like my storage box of Gus music. In time, some of the songs will be produced by director Moberg at MiMo Sound Records. But most of them will stay right here in the storage. If you’re interested, check it out.
Sometimes my friends help me out with my demos too. That’d be Stefan Hedenström (B-sides and FW&M), Sofia Lindberg (Ernst), my darling Åsa Pihl (Gus?!), Challe and Clara Wilson (FW&M) and of course my long time friend and favurite drummer Öjje Forsberg.
So, check out some Gus Muller music samples from the old storage box here from the links on the page. Come on in!