I’v always liked Waterboys. Since the early 90s. But I soon realised that here in Sweden almost no one knew what they were or how they sounded. So, it was med and my Waterboys waxes at home, alone.
My good friend Sven he also likes music a lot. And talking to him…. I found another Waterboys fan! I almost did not believe him at first, but he knew. So we started playing a lot of Waterboys in his café when I visited.
Before summer he saw that Waterboys was coming to Stockholm. He called and asked ….. “-ofcourse” I shouted in the phone. The concert was this Friday. And it was just like you want it. Mike Scotts peculiar way of building harmonies, his expressive voice and a dense, thick well mixed wall of sound. Just like I like it. Just like Waterboys!

Also I liked that there was not an intense light show or smoke and things. Waterboys let the music be the important part. It was nice.
/Gus Muller