It's been too long. After the release party for our second album The end of reason - Collection we only met once before yesterday. Vacation, colds, Covid and work has come in our way. But yesterday.... yes, in the dark basement, in the red capret studio full of instruments and gear we met again. Stefan, Challe, Öjje and me. The live band, for now, named Forsberg Wilson & Muller. Sooo nice!
We played some of our old songs that we had not visited for a while. We also sat down and talket about how we go forward. We are invited to the rock band contest "Konsultrocken" this year. It's been suspended the pandemic years. But now it's on again. We planned for how and wich songs to play.
"Konsultrocken" is the reason for Forsberg Wilson & Muller live band. Me and Öjje wanted to contend and called Challe. She and her daughter, Clara, joined and Stefan was borrowed for one of the songs from the blues bans B-sides. But now Clara joined university in an other town and is far away. Stefan have come aboard as our solo guitarist full time and is a heavy part of our sond. So, Forsberg Wilson & Muller seems like a odd name. We are talking about change it. Any suggestions? Please comment on Facebook page Gus Muller.
/Gus ... is back.