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You know, I love my girlfriend. Love in that deep, dark red, tumbling sense of the word. Have done so for many years now and almost every day ... yeah, it ... deepens. Cliché I know, but true. And I want to tell the World about it, cause I´m proud and happy. So it became the lyrics for this new demo, Tell The World.
The music came out of me testing out the new Cubas 9,5 Pro extended renage och software synths. So it was all electronic from start. Did this before our sommer vacation and I keept listening to it all summer. I showed it to some people and they kind of liked it. After a while I wanted it softer and more anlog in the sound. So I added piano and trumpets. Although, all the trumpets and one out of three piano tracks are Midi/synth. But it has a more analog sound. So I basically never took the synths out I just added and added and .... added. It´s probably the biggest prooduction I´v done so far. It has three drumtracks, three pianotracks, three trumpet tracks, three synth tracks, one Clarinet track and eleven s´vocal tracks. Yeah, fun recording but it´s a bitc... to work with when mixing. But I came thru and I think it has that big sound.
Listen to it! I hope you like it.