I'v stepped up to Cubase 9,5 Pro. And what a step! I came from the older Cubase 7 LE wich is a smaller version but with the same basic functions.
After good help from my favurite music store, 4sound on St. Eriksgatan in Stockholm, I decided on the 9,5 Pro. There are many versions but they thought this would be best for me. And I think they were right. If ever in Stockholm don't miss out on visiting 4sound at St. Eriksgatan. It's not a very big store but the crew really knows what their talkng about. Apart from just being nice guy and they always have time for a chat.
Any way after downloading the big programme and straightening out all the licenses for the new Cubase and older extensions I got the 9.5 Pro upp and running. At first I thougt it looked a bit simple graphically and .... dull, compared to older versions. But when starting work on the 9,5 Pro I slowly realised that the new simpler graphics are very good. For one you can stare on the screen for hours without getting tired, you can more easily have more windows open on the screen without bluring your workspace and it's faster. And when ploughing into the programme you see that they remodeled the top bar and it's easier to find your way around the massive programme. There are also a lot more VST instruments and software synths to play around with. It has everything I will probably ever need as standard. Now when it's so able i long for a routing map or something like that. Some easy graphic that shows you how every channel is routed from input channel to stereo out channel. It seems like Cubase could do that.
My producer, Micke Moberg of MiMo Sounds records, uppgraded to Cubase 9,5 Pro at the same time. He is equally impressed I think. Working the same program and version makes it very easy to send him my demos as whole projects and he just logs in to them and continue working with them. Gus latest song "Why can't you see" is made in 9,5 Pro. And it's ... nice, isn't it?