We all know it’s happening. Climate change. But what if…what if one day the general secretary of UN and the US, the Russian and Chinese heads of state all came together on the TV and told us… Now, we have past the point of no return…. We are all going to burn… eventually. What will we do? What will happen? Well, it will be the end of reason. So, this is the dystopic story of the single The end of Reason. So, enjoy… if you can.
Lyrics: Gus Muller - 21
Music: Gus Muller -20/21
Arr: Gus Muller
Lyrics: Gus Muller - 21
Music: Gus Muller -20/21
Arr: Gus Muller
Drums: Öjje Forsberg, Gus Muller
Guitar: Stefan Hedenström, `Gus Muller
Bass: Gus Muller
Piano/synth: Gus Muller
Lead vocal: Gus Muller
Backing vocals: Gus Muller
Drums: Öjje Forsberg, Gus Muller
Guitar: Stefan Hedenström, `Gus Muller
Bass: Gus Muller
Piano/synth: Gus Muller
Lead vocal: Gus Muller
Backing vocals: Gus Muller
Mixing: Micke Moberg
Mastering: Micke Moberg
Production: Micke Moberg / Gus Muller
Mixing: Micke Moberg
Mastering: Micke Moberg
Production: Micke Moberg / Gus Muller
Music publisher: The Orchard Enterprise Inc / Sony Music
Record label: MiMo Sound Records
Chanels: Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud, Dezer, Pandora, Itunes and more
Music publisher: The Orchard Enterprise Inc / Sony Music
Record label: MiMo Sound Records
Chanels: Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud, Dezer, Pandora, Itunes and more
Webpage and covers: Hans Eklundh, Eklundh.com
Webpage and covers: Hans Eklundh, Eklundh.com